Just try!




While living over the water has many benefits, there are also some disadvantages that should be considered before making a decision. Here are some potential disadvantages of living over the water:

  1. High Costs – The cost of building and maintaining a floating home or houseboat can be higher than traditional housing. This is due to the specialized materials and construction required, as well as the need for regular maintenance to keep the structure and mechanical systems in good working order.
  2. Limited Space – Floating homes and houseboats typically have limited space compared to traditional homes. This can make it challenging to store belongings and entertain guests, particularly if the home is used as a full-time residence.
  3. Weather Conditions – Living over the water can expose a home to harsh weather conditions such as strong winds, heavy rain, and storms. This can be challenging for those who are not accustomed to the potential hazards of living over the water.
  4. Zoning Restrictions – Depending on the location, there may be zoning restrictions or regulations that limit where floating homes or houseboats can be moored or anchored. These restrictions can vary by region and can affect the cost and feasibility of living over the water.
  5. Mobility – While the flexibility of living over the water is a benefit, it can also be a disadvantage. Living in a floating home or houseboat can be challenging for those who prefer a more stable living environment or who have mobility issues.



WHY Living OVER  the water?


Living over the water has its unique charm and benefits that appeal to many people. Here are some reasons why people may choose to live over the water:

  1. Scenic Views – Living over the water offers picturesque and calming views of the surrounding water, sky, and wildlife. These views can be especially breathtaking during sunrises and sunsets.
  2. Privacy – Floating houses and houseboats can provide a sense of privacy and seclusion that is not always possible in traditional housing developments. They can be located in quiet coves, secluded inlets, or even offshore, offering a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of the city.
  3. Flexibility – Floating houses and houseboats can be moved from one location to another, providing a sense of freedom and flexibility that is not possible with traditional homes. This can be especially appealing to those who enjoy exploring new locations or who have a job that requires frequent relocation.
  4. Sustainable Living – Living over the water can be a more sustainable option than traditional housing. For example, some floating homes and houseboats use solar panels for energy and collect rainwater for non-potable uses, reducing their reliance on fossil fuels and municipal water supplies.
  5. Unique Lifestyle – Living over the water offers a unique lifestyle that can be appealing to those who value adventure, creativity, and a closer connection to nature. Floating houses and houseboats can be customized to reflect a person's individual style and preferences, creating a truly unique living space.

Overall, living over the water can offer a peaceful and sustainable lifestyle that is not possible with traditional housing. It's a lifestyle that is ideal for those who appreciate scenic views, privacy, flexibility, and a unique way of life.




Overall, living over the water has its unique set of advantages and disadvantages. It's important to carefully consider these factors before deciding if it's the right lifestyle choice for you.